Over the years, I’ve compiled lists of some pretty great FREE materials you can print out from online sources, or use online in some cases. Take a look around and see what kinds of wonderful resources can bless your homeschool and help you teach what needs to be taught without breaking the bank!
McGraw-Hill Social Studies Workbooks, Grades 1-6
McGraw-Hill Spelling AND Grammar Workbooks, Grades K-6
McGraw-Hill Pre-Algebra Practice Workbook Series
McGraw-Hill Algebra I Workbook Series for a variety of skills, and if you look down the left-hand side, you’ll see quizzes, tests, and self-check quizzes, as well!
McGraw-Hill/Glencoe Grammar & Language Workbooks for Grades 6-12 plus SAT Prep
McGraw-Hill Math Connects: Concept, Skills, and Problem Solving, Course 1, also with quizzes and tests on the left-hand side (grades 6-8)
Math Connects: Course 2 Practice Workbook (grades 6-8)
Math Connects: Course 3 Workbook Series (grades 6-8)
McGraw-Hill Algebra 2 Practice Workbook Series
Glencoe Algebra I Workbook Series
Interactive Online Workbook in the Fundamentals of Music…click a chapter on the left and follow the instructions. I believe this is grade 11.
Media Writer’s Handbook Workbook (with self-quizzes on the left-hand side)
Science: A Closer Look (2010) Workbooks, grades 1-6
Career Plan Project Workbook (very useful for high school students…includes planning pages for high school, college, and career)
Glencoe Impact Mathematics, Course 1 Workbook
Glencoe Grammar and Language Arts Workbooks for grades 6-12
Glencoe High School Math Workbooks
Glencoe Spelling Power Workbooks:
And here are the main lists I’ve used for years…it took me a lot of time to compile these comprehensive lists of the ISBN #’s for student textbook that go along with the free printable workbooks. The links to the workbook lists are at the end of each list of textbook #s. The best way to get the cheapest price for the student textbooks is by going to www.dealoz.com and searching on the ISBN #. After you enter your zip code one time, it will give you the lowest price including shipping. When you combine a really cheap textbook with a free workbook, you can truly homeschool for next to nothing. And the quality of these books is wonderful!
Social Studies, Grade 1, People and Places
Student Textbook 002149262X
Teacher’s Edition 0021492727Social Studies, Grade 2, We Live Together
Student Textbook 0021492638
Teacher’s Edition 0021492735Social Studies, Grade 3, Our Communities
Student Textbook 0021492646
Teacher’s Edition 0021492743Social Studies, Grade 4, Our Country’s Regions
Student Textbook 0021492654
Teacher’s Edition 0021492751Social Studies, Grade 5, Our Nation
Student Textbook 0021492670
Teacher’s Edition 0021492778 (Volume 1)
Assessment Book 0021495467Social Studies, Grade 6, Our World
Student Textbook 0021492689
Teacher’s Edition 0021492794 (Volume 1) 0021492816 (Volume 2)
Grade K
Big Book 0153383054
Teacher’s Edition 0153375310
Grade 1
Student Textbook 0153375248
Teacher’s Edition 0153375337
Grade 2
Student Textbook 0153375256
Teacher’s Edition 0153375345
Grade 3
Student Textbook 0153375264
Teacher’s Edition 0153375353
Grade 4
Student Textbook 0153375272
Teacher’s Edition 0153375361
Grade 5
Student Textbook 0153375299
Teacher’s Edition 015337537X
Grade 6
Student Textbook 0153375302
Teacher’s Edition 0153375388
(Select the grade level from the “Activity Book” drop-down menu)

Grade K
Student Textbook 0022446486 (PB)
Teacher’s Edition 0022446605
Grade 1
Student Textbook 0022446494 (PB)
Teacher’s Edition 0022446613
Grade 2
Student Textbook 0022454470
Student Textbook 0022447083 (PB)
Teacher’s Edition 0022454489
Grade 3
Student Textbook 0022446524
Teacher’s Edition 002244663X
Grade 4
Student Textbook 0022446532
Teacher’s Edition 0022446648
Student Workbook 0022447512
Grade 5
Student Textbook 0022446540
Teacher’s Edition 0022446656
Grade 6
Student Textbook 0022446559
Teacher’s Edition 0022446664
I have not looked up the ISBN #’s for the middle and high school textbooks yet, but here is the link to the free printable workbooks.
Grade 1
Student Textbook 0022800344
Grade 2
Student Textbook 0022800352
Grade 3
Student Textbook 0022800360
Grade 4
Student Textbook 0022800379
Student Workbook 0022802614
Grade 5
Student Textbook 0022800387
Grade 6
Student Textbook 0022800395
(Username and Password are both “technology”)
Over 400 FREE History Videos for Kids!!!
In clicking around on the internet, I stumbled upon this wonderful resource for over 400 FREE history videos for kids from Brookdale House!
Pretty cool! And they are catalogued by time periods, so it’s easy to find just what you’re looking for. This could be a great way to supplement your history studies!
The categories include:
- Ancient History
- Medieval History
- Early Modern History
- Modern History
Thank you, Brookdale House!
That just about wraps up my list so far. I hope all of my research blesses you and helps you to homeschool on a dime!
WOW! I had no clue there were so many resources available. I need to send my sister-in-law over to check these out.
Think, Wonder, & Teach
Wonderful list!
ReplyDeleteAs a "newbie", this gives me hope that we will not go broke homeschooling! Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! I'd like to add that so many public school teachers post their access codes for student textbooks online, and sometimes for teacher's books, as well. We recently had need to tutor our son in Glencoe Algebra I because he'll be attending public charter school in the fall, and we used a different algebra program. We wanted to make sure he was up to speed on their way of teaching algebra, so we did a quick internet search on the textbook name and "access codes" and found the codes for both student and teacher books online. After accessing them, we were also able to download each chapter to our computers so there was no need for online access to use them. That saved us a bunch of money and got us access to the most recent version of the books. Glencoe and McGraw Hill textbooks often provide online access like that for schools, so any time you need to access a specific subject they publish, try searching online for access codes first and see what you can get. You never know until you try!
DeleteHi, Do you have the links to access the textbooks, i can't seem to get them to work. Thanks
ReplyDeleteWhich ones are you referring to? The list at the top has all active links. They list at the bottom with ISBN numbers are the textbooks you have to purchase to match up with the printable workbooks that are free, which are available at the active link underneath each list. In other words, the workbooks are free, so I gave you the ISBN #'s for the matching textbooks so you can order them online...use www.dealoz.com to search for the best prices.
DeleteThank you sooo much! I could not find the teachers edition for language arts grade 3, but found the isbn on your site and was able to get it tytytytyty!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad my list helped you out!
DeleteIf you have an ISBN for a text and need to find a matching text for it that's not on my list, try going to www.fes.follett.com. They are a vendor that buys and sells large quantities of unused textbooks from schools and such. Put in the ISBN you have, click on related texts on that page, and you'll likely find the matches you're looking for, whether they are textbooks, workbooks, or teacher's editions. Then once you've gotten he ISBN's, go back to www.dealoz.com to find the best deal. That's the method I most often use, and it usually works great for me!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your feedback! Have a great weekend.
Do you have, or do you know where I can get a free copy of Glencoe Vocabulary Power Workbook grade 8 Teacher's edition/answer key?
ReplyDeleteWhat you are looking for is the Teacher Annotated Edition. You won't find that for free, but the ISBN # is 0078262291, and the best deal I found for that was on the Amazon Marketplace. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0078262291/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0078262291&linkCode=as2&tag=dealoz_mkt_us_book-20. If you want to keep your eye out for a better price, just periodically search on that ISBN # at www.dealoz.com. Hope that helps!
DeleteHi, can u plz provide the teacher edition+ resources for "math connects" g4?
For access to view the student book for grade 4, go here: http://macmillanmh.com/ose/ and enter access code EB32CA78CA in the student's box. That will load the student book for you. I don't have any access codes for the teacher's book. Sorry! There is a teacher resource page here: http://www.mhschool.com/math/mathconnects/grade4/teacher.html
ReplyDeleteHello, I am looking for Social studies login password of 3rd grade
ReplyDeleteIt seems your website is entirely out of date now. Most links are no longer working. I hope an update will be available someday.
ReplyDeleteYou can still access these links by using Wayback Machine.
ReplyDeleteWhat are some of the best free resources for homeschooling that you've come across? greeting Telkom University