Tuesday, October 13, 2015

REVIEW: Living Waters: Intelligent Design in the Oceans of the Earth by FishFlix.com


I was really looking forward to reviewing Living Waters: Intelligent Design in the Oceans of the Earth by FishFlix.com.



Living Waters Intelligent Design DVD Design of LifeThis film is a sequel to the recent films Flight and Metamorphosis and explores the concept of intelligent design in the rivers and oceans of Earth. 

From dolphins to sea turtles and salmon to whales, this provocative film gives compelling evidence to contradict Darwinian evolution and support the presence of intelligent design in the miraculous characteristics of these unique and amazing creatures.

Take a look at a 3-minute trailer to get a taste of this stunning documentary film. 

Living Waters is approximately 68 minutes in length and is available on DVD for just $13.99.




Considering that 70% of the earth is covered by water, and half of the earth’s animal species live there, it’s no surprise that the awesomeness of God’s creation is demonstrated so clearly in so many of the ocean’s amazing creatures.

This wonderful film, which I enjoyed immensely, breaks down many of the intricacies and intelligence in the “oh-so-perfect” design of dolphins, sea turtles, salmon, and whales.  There was so much to learn here, and the film makes a great case for why natural selection and evolution cannot be solely responsible for the qualities these species possess. 

The documentary begins by asking a key question:  How do we account for the origin, diversity, and complexity of life on earth?  Scientists generally attribute this to either scientific materialism (the foundation of Darwinian evolution) or creation science.  Most biologists favor that the origins of all life began in the ocean and then eventually diversified even into humans.  If this concept leaves you scratching your head, you’re not alone!  Dolphins are a great example of why that degree of evolution just isn’t feasible.  Let’s talk about that now, and then I’ll leave the rest a mystery for you to unfold when you view this stunning film for yourself!

General Ability
The greatest concentration of dolphins is found off the coast of California, and they can swim up to 30 mph.  They have a powerful tail with up to 5 times the forward thrust of an Olympic swimmer!  They have a streamlined body, and they shed their skin daily to remove barnacles that would otherwise impede their swimming. 

Communication and Echo-Location
Dolphins whistle in order to communicate with one another, and they use clicks to locate their food using echo-location.  They have the most efficient sonar system on earth, either natural or man-made.  Dolphins use phonic lips and pressurized air to create sounds.  They recycle their inhaled air so that they can continue to echo-locate and avoid taking another breath for nearly 10 minutes!  They can hone in on a single fish in a large school and follow it until it is caught, even if that fish leaps out of the water.  Speed, texture, and shape of prey are determined by this echo-location.  A dolphin could even find a small fish if it were buried up to 3-6 inches in the ocean floor! 

The dolphin’s sonar system is made up of making sounds, transmitting them, receiving the echoes, and processing that information into an image of what lies ahead.  That’s pretty amazing!  This system is so perfect that it’s difficult to believe it came from natural selection.  All of the parts of that system are needed for the dolphin to glean the information needed for its survival.  Evolution and natural selection have no foresight into what a species will need in the future.  Only intelligence and mindfulness can make that prediction. 

Other featured animals
Sea turtles undergo an amazing journey of migration that boggles the mind, allowing them to return to their original hatching grounds after as much as 25 years! 

Salmon go on a long journey and encounter great obstacles but are able to return to their spawning grounds even 3 years later, literally recalling the smells of the plants in the water where they were first hatched.  And this journey requires them to biologically adapt between fresh- and salt-water. 

Humpback whales have the most complex vocalizations in the world, and although the male’s reproductive organs are internal, it has a unique internal cooling system that allows it to reproduce successfully. 

In conclusion
It takes over 100 million years to achieve just two cooperative mutations, and yet all of these animals have such complex systems that must exist in a perfect fashion in order for the species to survive. 

When all of this is taken into consideration, how realistic is it to rely on random genetic changes and unguided natural selection to arrive at the same solution in so many species?  It becomes clear that only an intelligent agent could predict the characteristics needed and apply them over and over again where necessary.  The designs of these animals are too efficient and too optimum to have been brought together by a haphazard mechanism.  They require the planning, foresight, and global architecture that only an intelligent design can bring about.  Living things are clearly not random assemblages.

If you really observe nature with an open mind, you can see unmistakable design everywhere you look.

I was really impressed by this beautiful film, and I learned so much about these amazing creatures of the ocean.  If I hadn’t started out already believing in creation science, I would’ve had a hard time making a case against it after watching this well-presented documentary.  I hope you’ll share it with your whole family!

Check out what other Crew members have to say about this and other great films from FishFlix.com by clicking the banner below.

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