It’s National Pancake Day! Celebrate with a FREE short stack of pancakes from IHOP between 7 AM and 7 PM, today only!
While you’re there, considering making a donation to a children’s charity.
It’s National Pancake Day! Celebrate with a FREE short stack of pancakes from IHOP between 7 AM and 7 PM, today only!
While you’re there, considering making a donation to a children’s charity.
Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
Since we reviewed Year 1 of the program a couple of years ago, we were very excited to have the opportunity to review Let’s Go Geography, Year 2 by Let’s Go Geography so close to its premier!
Let’s Go Geography, Year 2 is the second installment in what will eventually be a 3-year geography study intended for elementary students in grades K-5. That being said, I’m using it with my 6th grader and still find it entirely age-appropriate. You can take a look at the 3-year schedule and see what countries are included in each year of the study. With so many topics and activities included, it’s easy to pick and choose what you want to use to make it adaptable for older kids. I actually found it interesting myself!
Each lesson explores the geographical location using maps, the country’s flag, demographics, national music, things to explore (food, interesting places, cultural practices, etc.), a coloring page with facts about the items included in the picture, and full-color instructions on a craft and how the project is related to the culture. By providing your email address, you can also get a free download of a passport your child can create and place each country’s flag inside as a record of where they’ve explored. Instructions and printables are included in the first lesson on creating a travel journal where your student can keep their completed notes, coloring pages, and maps, along with print-outs of sight-seeing photographs and facts provided for each country.
This second year of the program has kids explore a new country or region every week for a total of 32 weeks. A 2-year subscription is available for just $27.99 and gives you access to download any of the lessons for a 2-year period in any order you would like. Once you’ve downloaded the lessons, though, you don’t actually need access to the website, so you can even download them all at once. If you don’t want to store the downloads on your computer and want to be able to access them from anywhere with internet access indefinitely, you might prefer to purchase lifetime access for $34.99.
We definitely enjoyed Year 1 of the program when Holden was in 4th grade, but I have to say that I think Year 2 is even better! Instead of a 36-week program with built-in off weeks and reviews, Year 2 just gives you the 32 lessons and allows you the flexibility to schedule your own breaks and handle review as you see fit. I also felt like there were more links to videos and more photographs and facts included…it just felt more meaty! For us, it made Year 2 even feel appropriate for my 6th grader, even though the program is designed for elementary students.
Since we’ve previously worked with the first year of the program, I started by pulling out our existing Travel Journal and Passport. If you’re new to the program, the instructions and printables for creating the journal are included in the first lesson. Then we selected the countries we wanted to study during the review period, and we decided to work on the South Atlantic Region of America that includes VA where we used to live (lesson 4), Mexico that borders TX where we live now (lesson 5), England in the UK where I was born (lesson 12), and Germany that was my husband’s home when he was in the military (lesson 16). I really like the flexibility of being able to jump around to our countries of interest or which supplement our other studies.
Each unit includes a checklist of activities to complete during the lesson. We started with coloring 2 flags for the country (one to glue into our Passport, and one to glue onto our map page) and then working through our map activities.
Some lessons include a set of geography questions to work through about the maps based on observations. Using the England lesson as an example, the lesson offered us two versions of the questions…a simpler version for younger students that involved marking things with color or circling things on the map, and then a more advanced version for older students that we used where the questions were open-ended. Then we listened to traditional music from the country.
Next, we began exploring the country through printable photographs, facts, and videos. All videos link through a kid-friendly “safe” version of YouTube, which made me very happy as a mom! You can never be too careful with your kids on the internet. These are just snapshots of all that’s included…there were multiple pages of each feature! We probably spent the most time watching all the great videos. That was Holden’s favorite part! There’s nothing like seeing for yourself. It mad e us feel like tourists!
Last, we took some notes from what we learned, colored the coloring page, and worked on the craft.
Full-color photos and instructions are included, along with a list of all of the supplies you’ll need to complete the craft. These items and all of the printables went into our travel journal to help us remember our “travels!” With only one 6th grade boy in our homeschool now, we don’t do a lot of crafts, so our craft supplies are long gone! We improvised a bit on this project by coloring strips of paper and gluing them on in lieu of popsicle sticks and construction paper. It still had some dimension by layering the paper, and I didn’t have to run to the store for supplies we would never use again!
I like the flexibility to take or leave various elements as you choose. My son doesn’t enjoy writing and had some delays in writing, so we do most of our work orally. That means if I want to, I can leave out the optional note-taking sheets and just keep it fun and interesting. He was never much into coloring or crafts, either, so we’ll just do those if there’s something he particularly wants to try. He absolutely loves the video links about interesting places, traditional music, and cultural practices, so reading the facts, doing the mapwork, and following the media links will likely be how we primarily use this product going forward. But since there are so many activities included, there’s something for everyone, and everything is there so you can adapt to suit your needs without any real effort on your part.
As we used the links, we only found one link that didn’t work properly. We were able to use it by searching for the link manually, but the lesson includes instructions on how to report a bad link so an update can be made to the program, so that’s great!
Overall, this continues to be one of our favorite ways to study geography! It’s truly fun, light-hearted, yet meaty without being too intense. My son has ADHD and has a really short attention span, so moving from one activity to another quickly works well for him. We both really enjoyed the program, myself included! I particularly enjoyed giving him a tour of my country of origin, and it was nice to see a bit of “home,” as well. It prompted additional discussion as we talked about currency, food, and other differences between England and America. We look forward to continuing to use this program throughout our school year.
Check out what other Crew members have to say about this program by clicking the banner below.
I recently stocked up with a great deal on GE 60-Watt Dimmable LED Light Bulbs for a mere $4.99/4-pack. I just saw the deal is back, so I thought I’d share it here.
The key is that they are dimmable bulbs. If you have any dimmable light switches in your house, then you know that the lights act up if not turned all the way up when you have regular bulbs in the sockets. They can flicker or act weird, or simply not turn on half the time. I have a LOT of dimmable light switches in my house, so not having the proper dimmable bulbs installed was driving me nuts when I’d turn on a light that someone had dimmed! That happens a lot since some people in my house are up before dawn and don’t like to turn the lights on all the way.
The trouble is that dimmable bulbs can be rather costly, but with this deal, you get, you get 4 bulbs for just $4.99, and there’s no limit! Also, shipping is FREE.
Stock up while this deal is still active!
Happy Shopping!
This is the updated Power Air Fryer Pro Elite 6-Qt. Oven model that has an oven door that hinges on the side rather at the bottom. Many people have said how easily you can burn yourself when the door opens from the top down and you reach across the hot door to pull something out. So this model opens like a microwave door, allowing you to clear the door completely when pulling out hot food. This model is also a 10-in-1, so it has multiple functions like air fryer, food dehydrator, and rotisserie, and it has 10 preset functions.
These are not refurbished…they are new/open box products. That means they could have been a display model, demonstration model, or an unused open box return. This is the real name brand model demonstrated by Eric Theiss on the infomercials. I belong to an air fryer group on Facebook, and a number of members have purchased their ovens through this deal and have said that they work great!
I can hardly believe the amazing price of $54.47 when these retail for up to $170! All the accessories are included, such as a rotisserie spit, a shrimp basket, oven mitts, a fryer basket, and shelves.
This deal comes and goes as supply comes available and then sells out fast, so if you’ve been contemplating getting an air fryer oven, don’t delay on this deal!
Happy Shopping!
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a GREAT deal on Starbucks K-Cups. This week, I have a deal for you on Starbucks Sumatra Dark Roast Ground Coffee in 12 oz. bags!
Get 6 of the Sumatra 12-oz. Ground Coffee bags for just $23.97 and FREE 2-day shipping! Or get 12 of those bags with free shipping for just $39.97! You can’t beat those prices!
Note that these are again just past their “best by” date of 01/2020. Still a great deal! My husband has been enjoying stocking up on his favorite dark roast Starbucks coffees at these incredible prices.
Enjoy your cup of joe!
It’s no secret that my family has enjoyed dabbling in group projects in the past. Back in 2014, when Haylee and Holden were still homeschooled and Hayden was in his first year of public high school, we worked on an animation project called Homeschooled: An Animated Series. Steve did the script-writing that was inspired by events in our own homeschool experience, we each recorded the voice-overs for our own characters, and Hayden did the music and animation. It was a lot of fun! But with so many pieces to juggle and so many kids of different ages to wrangle into doing their parts in order to get each episode together, we just weren’t able to keep up with the pace, and it went by the wayside faster than we would have liked.
Over the last 18 months or so, Steve and I have been making a concerted effort to make more time for each other going out for date nights and just generally spending more time together as a couple. Since we always engage in lively conversation so easily when we’re together and inevitably make each other laugh, we were inspired to start a podcast together. It’s called Coupled with Chaos.
About twice a week, we sit down and basically record a casual conversation. We never script it, and we rarely even decide what topics we’ll discuss. We basically just sit down and start talking and see where it leads us! In general, though, we inevitably laugh about something and just let the conversation end naturally. Occasionally, one of the kids will pinch hit for me and record something with Steve. Each of them has done at least one episode with their dad, and Holden has done a few. They are really cute. We started back in early October 2019, so we have over 30 episodes already!
It just took a small initial investment for the sound equipment and some research by Steve on editing and using the software. There’s a monthly fee for hosting, but that’s it. We haven’t monetized our podcast show in any way, so we just look at it as a small expense for something we enjoy doing together that will be a keepsake for our kids someday when we are gone, or for each other when one of us is left alone. Our conversations are so natural…so easy…and it really is a testimony to the 25 wonderful years of marriage we’ve shared and how well-suited we are for each other to be able to engage in such playful banter after all these years together.
We hope you enjoy it and can spare a little time to check it out. Give a listen in the car or while mowing the lawn. It’s sure to make you smile! You can listen on your favorite player like Apple Podcasts…we’re available everywhere! You can also just ask Alexa to “play the podcast, Coupled with Chaos.”